Duckietown Sky Documentation
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Duckiedrone (DD21) software interface documentation
1. Assembling the Duckiedrone (DD21): the hardware
2. Initializing the Duckiedrone software
3. First boot
4. First connection
5. Exploring the Dashboard
6. Setting up the flight controller
6.1 Setting up the Flight Controller
6.1.0 Setup
6.1.1 Ports
6.1.2 Configuration
6.1.3 Power and Battery
6.1.4 Failsafe
6.1.5 PID Tuning
6.1.6 Receiver
6.1.7 Modes
6.1.8 Adjustments
6.1.9 Servos
6.1.10 GPS
6.1.11 Motors
6.1.12 ODS (On Screen Display)
6.1.13 Race Transponder
6.1.14 LED Strip
6.1.15 Sensors
6.1.16 Thethered Logging
6.1.17 Blackbox
Ignore below
6.2 Motors configuration
7. Calibrations
8. First Flight
9. Code Editor
DD21.1 - Opmanual stuff removed
Brown meeting 28-02-23
Meeting notes 10-03-23
Duckietown Sky Documentation
6.1 Setting up the Flight Controller
6.1.13 Race Transponder
6.1.13 Race Transponder
Jacopo Tani
Owned by
Jacopo Tani
Jul 18, 2022
1 min read
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