VESC - Vedder's Electronic Speed Controller
ROS1 (noetic driver):
Hardware using VESC Tool
First make sure the unit is flashed with the latest FW (no HW limits), current version flashed on the ESCs are:
Then do the motor and system setup:
Useful links
main project homepage:
how to setup a VESC: CFOCer VESC V6 BLDC Motor Controller Setup Guide ,
Build VESC on a Pi: Build VESC Tool on Raspberry Pi
GitHub - rpasichnyk/vesc_tool: The source code for VESC Tool. See
GitHub - vedderb/vesc-os-pi: A minimal raspberry pi 3 or 4 image that runs VESC Tool
GitHub - SolidGeek/VescUart: An Arduino library for interfacing with the VESC over UART
GitHub - f1tenth/vesc: Repository for the VESC Controller (ROS1 and ROS2)
Holybro Mini FOC ESC Based on VESC 6 Manual:
Maytech 10S 30A mini ESC MTSVESC6.0MINI Advantages and Functions
Holybro 31095 Mini FOC ESC Based on VESC 6 Instructions
Using VESC Tool to move and monitor motor
1. keyboard move motor
After motor setup, click on the right sidebar’s keyboard icon to enable keyboard control. Read the instructions carefully.
2. monitor data live
On the left side menu, click on “Realtime Data”; Then select the respective tab in the middle, e.g. in the pic below, it’s the “Current” tab
On the right side menu, click on the “RT” icon, to start streaming live data
3. changes might be needed in motor settings
Normally after configuring the motor, manual control only makes it move in a “step response” way (move a bit, then stop; move a bit, then stop; …). Changing the value on the following page would help get more continuous spin and higher max RPM.
Motor Settings → FOC → Tab: Sensorless
increase openloop ERPM to make manual spin faster
increase openloop time to make the motor continuously spin
Remember to write the config to the motor, press the “down-arrow M” button on the right side bar
NOTE Although the motor moves in a more-or-less continuous manner, there’s a big noise. Which is very strange