Note that the buggy can come with an AC motor! we are using the DC version on the right
The base model is a … running on 4x1.5V AA batteries in series giving us a nominal voltage of around 6V.
Top speed is 4m/sec, the wheel diameter is around 35mm
Specifications: Length: 163 mm * Width: 105 mm, height: 46 mm; trace (v) *: 86.5 mm; trace (h) *: 88.5 mm * Wheelbase: 114.5 mm; Tires (v / h): Ø34, 7x16 mm Motor: 130s, Chassis Type: MB-010
Drive motor
This is DC motor with an internal winding resistance of around x Ohm
Steering motor
This is DC motor with an internal winding resistance of around x Ohm
At a PWM of 1kHz we see a max current of around 780mA this is measured with a scope using the Iout signal from the buck/boost converter. Note that the max current for the steering motor driver has been set to 800mA.
Steering gearbox
Steering position feedback
This is a potentiometer connected to 3.3V with a overall resistance of x kOhm and a working range of x Ohm to x Ohm
Spare parts
Complete car
Drive motor
The orange thing at the end of the cable is a poly Switch re-settable fuse rated at 1.35A, we don't need that.
Gear set: