Legacy: https://idsc-frazzoli.github.io/documents/the_frazzoli_experience.pdf
Starting from the entrance from the staircase connecting to the ML hall our rooms are:
ML K 32.1 - Prof. Emilio Frazzoli's office
ML K 32.2 - Annina Fattor's office
ML K 37.1 - IDSC library / meeting room
ML K 37.2 - Dr. Andrea Censi's office
ML K 37.3 - Dr. Jacopo Tani's office
ML K 37.4 - Postdoc room
ML K 37.5 - Coffee room
ML K 42.1 - Julian Zilly's office
ML K 42.2 - Claudio Ruch's and Jan Hakenberg's office
ML K 43 - Student working room
ML K 39/41 - Rooms belonging to our group but currently unused
TODO: JZ: number of seats, (ML K 43): 6?
Duckietown Autolab (a.k.a. “Duckiedungeon”)