The deck has two UARTs connected too P1 and P3. Only use P1
NOTE that bitcraze is saying that you should use the 2.54mm header (i.e P3) but that will not work.
At power up the deck is in boot and communicates at 115200.
[ 0x00 , 0x00 ]: UART Break condition used to just sync the device
[ 0xBC , 0x02 ]: enabled UART a.k.a protocol_reset() and get bootloader version a.k.a get_version()
[ 0x00 ]: Boot a.k.a boot() a.k.a load application code
After the device is in application the communication change to 230400...
When the will send 12 x 0xFF which is used for sync and if a HTC transmitter is present it will start too send data: