Meet your Lab
Date: 22/11/2023 12:15-13:30
Place: CLA Glashalle
People Involved:
@Marcus Aaltonen : I can help moving whatever you need that day (last year we only used a small monitor maybe we could use a TV this year?)
@Marc-Andrè Corzillius
@Jason Hu
@Matteo Penlington
@Marc Albert
@Mingjia He
Equipment Needed:
TV (@Marcus Aaltonen @Marc-Andrè Corzillius )
Print poster (WIP) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1g98ynUqMkuaR1eUoAHDsvHvpmRRPyu2kyUToeQiU85E/edit#slide=id.p
A short presentation about Lab Activities (go-kart, duckietown):
the goal is to give an overview of the current ongoing research activities (the audience would be mostly Bs.C. students)
Presentation Link (WIP) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JEahT9yv0MgX9fAxSWqg7LozSCPdQlZ-9QBMxir6HoU/edit#slide=id.g2886c45a87f_0_0
Lab Day handout
Date: 23/11/2023 from 16:15
Place: ML K 31
People Involved:
@Matteo Penlington
@Marcus Aaltonen
@Marc-Andrè Corzillius
@Jason Hu
Equipment Needed:
Projector (same setup as ScienceCity, @Marcus Aaltonen , @Marc-Andrè Corzillius )
A presentation about Lab Activities (go-kart, duckietown):
the goal is to give an overview of the current ongoing research activities trying to get as many people a possible interested in our open projects
The Duckietown (formally: Hands-on Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown) class introduces students to the world of robotics providing the base knowledge to work on more advanced projects.
our more advanced projects involve planning, control, perception, and leveraging our facility and infrastructure in Winterthur where we have a fleet of self-driving karts.
Presentation Link (WIP)