

Meet your Lab

Date: 22/11/2023 12:15-13:30

Place: CLA Glashalle

People Involved:

@Marcus Aaltonen : I can help moving whatever you need that day (last year we only used a small monitor maybe we could use a TV this year?)

@Marc-Andrè Corzillius

@Jason Hu

@Matteo Penlington

@Marc Albert

@Mingjia He

Equipment Needed:

TV (@Marcus Aaltonen @Marc-Andrè Corzillius )


Print poster (WIP) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1g98ynUqMkuaR1eUoAHDsvHvpmRRPyu2kyUToeQiU85E/edit#slide=id.p

A short presentation about Lab Activities (go-kart, duckietown):

the goal is to give an overview of the current ongoing research activities (the audience would be mostly Bs.C. students)

Presentation Link (WIP) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JEahT9yv0MgX9fAxSWqg7LozSCPdQlZ-9QBMxir6HoU/edit#slide=id.g2886c45a87f_0_0

Lab Day handout

Date: 23/11/2023 from 16:15

Place: ML K 31

People Involved:

@Matteo Penlington

@Marcus Aaltonen

@Marc-Andrè Corzillius

@Jason Hu

Equipment Needed:

Projector (same setup as ScienceCity, @Marcus Aaltonen , @Marc-Andrè Corzillius )


A presentation about Lab Activities (go-kart, duckietown):

the goal is to give an overview of the current ongoing research activities trying to get as many people a possible interested in our open projects


  • The Duckietown (formally: Hands-on Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown) class introduces students to the world of robotics providing the base knowledge to work on more advanced projects.

  • our more advanced projects involve planning, control, perception, and leveraging our facility and infrastructure in Winterthur where we have a fleet of self-driving karts.

Presentation Link (WIP)

KART: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hMi60CplBvcV7Q1eWsigHypbVzaJBSJkO2eiuiIGkzc/edit#slide=id.g18a793b3a77_1_1

DT: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/123GnNquoLxwwnTKL2bXTf5_wdu58EJ9KOOl59hWyDGA/edit#slide=id.g128f69adf96_0_533